

Clowns, Comedy & Commentary



Improvabunga (2021)

On this night we had a newbie in tow. I mention this only because she was directly responsible for us seeing this improv troupe. You see, she loves 'live comedy' but had only really seen it on TV… Yes, I... Continue Reading →

Police Cops: Badass Be Thy Name (redux 2020)

No, you are not experiencing deja vu, we have in fact covered this particular show before. You can read that glowing Police Cops review right here. We are writing this redux in response to an accusation from an acquaintance down... Continue Reading →

Police Cops: Badass Be Thy Name (2019)

I mean, where to begin? Can absurd brilliance be a thing? I genuinely don't know, but if it is a thing then I just witnessed it! Last year I was convinced to see Police Cops in Space by a pal... Continue Reading →

Jessie & Bebe Cave: Cave Women (WiP 2019)

Many moons ago I caught Jessie Cave's first Edinburgh Fringe solo show, bookwork, it was a thoroughly enjoyable piece of comedy theatre made more amusing by the fact that it wasn't exactly a solo show - Jessie's younger sister Bebe... Continue Reading →

Abbott & Costello: Who’s on First (recorded: 1944)

This is a comedy routine that I have turned to time and time again, it has become my go-to-clip whenever I meet someone at work who says "old films aren't funny" - and I can't think of a better single... Continue Reading →

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