

Clowns, Comedy & Commentary



Ari Eldjárn: Saga Class (2022)

This is definitely an odd way to start a review but it's only fair to say that this clown has, completely inadvertently, had a fairly large impact on our year. We first saw Ari Eldjarn in 2019 at Soho Theatre,... Continue Reading →

Ari Eldjarn: Eagle Fire Iron (Vinyl 2020)

I have been excited to write this review ever since I saw the project appear on Crowdfunder. Whenever I watch older U.S clowns they talk about when they were kids sneaking a listen to their favourite comedy albums - legends... Continue Reading →

Ari Eldjarn: Eagle Fire Iron (2019)

It was a mid week night in Soho and I have to say that it felt good to have some live comedy on the schedule. My comedy pal for the evening and I had decided to bar crawl our way... Continue Reading →

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