

Clowns, Comedy & Commentary


pierre novellie

Pierre Novellie: Why Are You Laughing? (2023)

I’m not sure quite how to word this, because Pierre Novellie has never delivered anything other than a great show, but this one really felt like a return to his very best. He begins by exclaiming how fed up he... Continue Reading →

Pierre Novellie: You’re Expected to Care (2019)

What a time its been for this clown, in just a few short years he has gone from veritable anonymity to becoming one of the first clowns on many peoples Fringe team sheets. His insights in to politics receive much... Continue Reading →

Pierre Novellie: See Novellie, Hear Novellie, Speak Novellie (2018)

Following on from last years truly brilliant show Pierre Novellie had become one of the first names on the team sheet when it came to buying tickets for this years Fringe. Even though he has been performing for years I... Continue Reading →

Pierre Novellie: Self Titled (2017)

Okay, hands up time, I had no idea who Pierre Novellie was! I realise that this highlights a rather large hole in my comedy knowledge but it is a mistake that I am thrilled to have corrected. We were looking... Continue Reading →

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